兒科癲癇重積狀態之常規處置 Management of convulsive status epilepticus in children

場景 小兒科急診室

焦急的家長: 醫師,我女兒兩歲大,已經高燒好幾天了,前幾天精神活力都還好,也去過診所,吃過退燒藥。今天開始叫她都叫不太醒,早上還吐過一次,趕快幫我看看她是怎麼了。

檢傷護理站check vital signs:

體溫:39.1'C 呼吸:40cpm 心跳:140bpm 血壓:102/67(78)mmHg 血氧:100% at room air



0~5~10 分鐘 - Vital signs,  BZD

1. 先穩定生命五徵 (體溫,呼吸,心跳,血壓,血氧)

 Oxygen, IV, Monitor

 One touch 測血糖: 若低血糖 給予 D10W 2.5 mL/kg

 若持續低血氧: 準備插管(RSI)

 Antipyretics : 退燒塞劑 Voren 1mg/kg/dose 一歲內不建議使用

 BZD: 病人在抽筋,點滴還沒打上可以給:

●IM midazolam(Dormicum) 0.2 mg/kg, maximum 10 mg

●Rectal diazepam(Stesolid) 0.5 mg/kg, maximum 20 mg

 打上IV後第一線BZD : 本院有的

 lorazepam(Anxicam) : 0.1 mg/kg IV 
 diazepam(Dupin) : 0.2 mg/kg IV


計學上兩者(lorazepam, diazepam)對於控制兒童癲癇重積狀態無顯著差異 

若高度懷疑敗血症 腦膜炎 考慮給予抗生素

Neuroimaging is generally deferred until the patient is stabilized. 
However, if LP is considered, computed tomography (CT) is generally recommended beforehand 
to exclude a mass lesion, especially in a patient with focal neurologic signs. 
Later, a magnetic resonance imaging study (MRI) is recommended if the etiology of SE is unknown.


2. 根據病史,接觸史,用藥史,家族史,發展史,進行相關檢查

Serum electrolytes
Serum calcium, phosphate, and magnesium
Brain imaging (CT or MRI)

有用抗癲癇藥病人: 測藥物濃度!

CBC with differential
Blood culture
Urinalysis, urine culture
CSF culture

筆者補充: 要根據TOCC與身體檢查 做所有可能的bacterial and viral study
腸病毒PCR 流感快篩 EBV, HSV, CMV, VZV, Adeno 等病毒的血清學or抗原抗體檢查 mycoplasma IgM, Rota virus Ag, Stool culture for Shigella, Campylobactor 等

Urine screen for cocaine, amphetamines, and PCP
Aspirin level
Venous or arterial pH and pCO2
EKG once seizures stop

Blood gas
Plasma ammonia
Plasma amino acids
Serum AST, ALT, LDH, Alkaline phosphatase
Blood lactate and pyruvate
Urine for reducing substances
Urine organic acids
Urine amino acids
Check newborn urine screening results

持續發作超過10分鐘 - 2nd line AED Phenobarbital 

若你已經努力了10分鐘,給了兩次BZD,病人還在抽,此時建議就要一定要放置氣管內管來維持呼吸道了,本院有 phenobarbital可以開始loading,起始劑量 20mg/kg ,滴速勿超過1mg/kg/min 以免產生呼吸抑制,假設病人15公斤,則滴至少 20 mins。

2nd line AED首選為 fosphenytoin 國內無,本院有phenytoin,但本院兒科少用。

Phenobarbital slowly infused IV (maximum infusion rate 2 mg/kg per minute with a ceiling of 50 mg/min) in an initial dose of 20 mg/kg, and followed by repeated increments of approximately 8 to 10 mg/kg every 30 minutes, can achieve high levels and seizure control, usually without significant hypotension or respiratory depression.

持續發作超過15分鐘 - 3rd line AED Keppra

Keppra loading劑量為20~30,最多60mg/kg/dose,滴速不超過5mg/kg/min。
若病人體重20kg,起始劑量20mg/kg/dose,至少要滴 4 mins以上。

In patients with ongoing seizure activity despite two initial doses of benzodiazepine and a second-line antiseizure drug, preparation for a continuous infusion of midazolam, propofol, or pentobarbital should occur simultaneously with administration of a third-line antiseizure drug.

此時除了可以給予第三線AED,也要做好continue infusion for heavy sedation的準備
Heavy sedation的同時最好有bed side continue EEG監測,把大腦放電波打到平。



POSTICTAL RECOVERY — Most children begin to recover responsiveness within 20 to 30 minutes after generalized convulsions, although there is a broad range of duration. Close monitoring during this period is critical. The two most common reasons for delayed postictal recovery are sedation from medications and ongoing nonconvulsive seizures, and these two causes can be impossible to distinguish clinically. All children who do not return to a normal level of consciousness within a few hours after initial treatment of status epilepticus should therefore be monitored with electroencephalogram (EEG)


二次評估 - NE, CT, LP


Secondary assessment — During the postictal recovery period it is also important to repeat a full neurological examination, looking for asymmetric or focal findings that may suggest clues to the underlying etiology. A neuroimaging study should be obtained when status epilepticus is the first presentation of epilepsy as well as in children whose recovery from SE does not follow the expected course. A lumbar puncture should be obtained if there is evidence of systemic or central nervous system infection, provided that the child’s level of consciousness is appropriate and there are no other contraindications to immediate lumbar puncture.

需執行影像學檢查(CT or MRI),若病人沒有LP的禁忌症,需做LP(腰椎穿刺),排除感染。

30分鐘後還在抽->頑固型抽筋 Refractory seizures
continue Midazolam, Phenobarbital, Propofol



REFRACTORY SEIZURES — If convulsive status epilepticus (SE) persists for 30 minutes after initial measures are instituted, further pharmacologic therapy is required, usually in the form of continuous infusional therapy. The longer convulsive SE continues, the less convulsive it appears clinically, and continuous electroencephalogram (EEG) monitoring should be instituted.

需給予 Dormicum, Phenobarbital, Propofol continue IV pump infusion 與 continue EEG 監測


Midazolam is given as an initial bolus infusion of 0.2 mg/kg intravenous (IV) followed by a continuous infusion of 0.05 to 2 mg/kg/hour; for breakthrough seizures, additional 0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg boluses can be given and the continuous infusion rate increased by 0.05 to 0.1 mg/kg/hr every 3 to 4 hours.


Phenobarbital is given as an initial bolus infusion of 5 to 15 mg/kg IV followed by a continuous infusion of 0.5 to 5.0 mg/kg/hour. Loading 1~2hour, 最大滴速 2mg/kg/min。


臨床很少用超過三天以上 因為會造成 TG上升與肺水腫 
短期使用可能造成低血壓 apnea/bradycardia 也有可能造成致命的酸中毒與橫紋肌溶解

(Others have found that propofol may be used without severe adverse effects if the dose is not titrated above 5 mg/kg per hour and with continuous monitoring and stopping the infusion if side effects appea)

Propofol 滴注 1~3mg/kg/dose in 5 mins,接著 2~10mg/kg/hour 維持劑量,最大滴速 25~75ug/kg/min 

Dose: 本院常用劑量為 0.25gm/kg/dose IV Q6H
Mannitol 20% (0.2g/ml)
Usual range: 0.25 to 1 g/kg/dose infused over 20 to 30 minutes; 
repeat as needed to maintain serum osmolality <300 to 320 mOsm/kg

Uptodate: Management of convulsive status epilepticus in children(last updated: Jun 07, 2018)
