右心室雙出口 Double outlet right ventricle (DORV)

圖片來源自 Boston Children Hospital https://www.childrenshospital.org/conditions/dorv

正常人右心室出口是肺動脈 左心室出口是主動脈

在人類胚胎發育心臟過程中 會經歷兩根大血管(主動脈 肺動脈) 根部Conus的發育

在主動脈根部下方的conus若沒有在發育過程中適當的消失 造成主動脈被擠壓到右心室

就會造成右心室同時發出兩根大血管 肺靜脈血流進入左心室 仍需要出口

所以一定會出現一個心室中膈缺損(VSD) 才能將血液導引到肺循環或體循環

若此VSD導引的血流大多流向肺動脈 稱為 subpulmonic VSD ; 反之,若多導引到主動脈

則稱為 subaortic VSD。若導引到主動脈與肺動脈血流一樣多,稱為 doubly-comitted VSD, 

若此心室中膈缺損離兩根大血管都有一段距離,則稱為 non-comitted VSD.

以下重點整理與圖表均出自  Moss & Adams' Heart Disease in infants, Children, and Adolescents: Including the Fetus and Young Adult 10/E 2022  第49章 DORV

        1. 心臟在旋轉時發育出conus, conotruncal defect 是旋轉過程中產生的缺陷

        2. Conus 在發育過程中促進心臟的旋轉

        3. Conus 通常在PV的正下方 PA往前往上推

        4. Truncus 在發育的時候 Aoconus被吸收掉所以落到PA後下方

        5. DORV AOconus沒有被吸收 所以被往前推 造成RV同時出AOPA

        6. AV,TV,MV同時連接在心臟中央的fibrous body

        7. TOF type, Ao 下面有 conus, PA下面有conus -> AV-MV continuity

      TGA type, Ao 下面有 conus, PA下面無conus -> PV-MV continuity

        9. Conus 在發育與退化過程中 造成大血管位置關係的改變 形成DORV 而不是VSD本身

        10. VSD 位置 subaortic, subpulmonic, doubly-comitted, remote VSD,  VSDLV的唯一出口

        11. VSD 位置通常在 outlet septum between the anterior and posterior limbs of the septomarginal trabeculation

        12. Conal Septum tissue 越多 VSD 離它距離越遠

        13. DORV需要描述 Outlet SeptumVSD的關係 在左側或右側 通常與VSD垂直

        14. DORV50%合併PS, 25% Secundum ASD, 10% CA anomaly (AD from RCA)

        15. PS造成cyanosis 可在兩個月到四個月大時 palliative shunt 例如BT shunt

        16. buffleLV的血流導引到Ao


課本分為五大常見DORV類型: TOF, TGA, VSD, doubly committed, non-comitted type
TOF type (40%) :
DORV with subaortic VSD with PS PV conal septum anterior malalignment pull AV to override the IVS SpO2: 80-90%

PE: LUSB harsh systolic "PS" murmur , no additional PS murmur


Echo: absence of mitral-aortic continuity, chordal attachments of each AV valve and their relationships to the VSD

描述: PV下面的conus往前往上擠 造成PS Ao下面有一個subaortic VSD, outlet septum VSD左側 VSD垂直


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TGA type (20%): TaussigBing anomaly or DORV with subpulmonic VSD

Conus AO下方把AOPA的右前方推 PV下面幾乎沒有Conus PV, MV continuity

Subpulmonic VSD LV血流導引到PA RV的缺氧血進到AO 所以 PA的氧分壓高於AO

此類病人出生後血氧與TGA類似 取決於ASDPDA血流的多寡與mixing的程度

Echo: subcostal view 要看清楚 subaortic conus的長度 是否有AS, 會影響到Arch的發育

TV attach to subaortic conal septum

PV override the IVS cause subpulmonic VSD



VSD type (15%) : DORV with subaortic VSD without PS

PV下面的conusAV下面的conus AV下面的conusAoPA的右邊推 PA還是在前方

Bilateral conus, AV下面的conus 造成 AV MV lose continuity

病生理學: large VSD with significant left-to-right shunting and pulmonary overcirculation

臨床表現: Infants typically present with signs of congestive heart failure as the pulmonary vascular resistance falls between 4 and 8 weeks of age


DORV with doubly-committed VSD (<10%) 

型態: Both great vessels override the crest of the ventricular septum. The VSD is in the usual position, cradled between the limbs of the septomarginal trabeculation

病生理學: The pathophysiology is predominantly left-to-right shunting with pulmonary overcirculation unless there is valvar PS.

治療: Surgical VSD closure directs flow from the left ventricle to the posterior and rightward aorta



DORV with Noncommitted VSD (<10%)

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Significant amount of conus beneath each great vessel such that neither vessel is truly posterior

Typically-positioned VSD opens primarily into the body of the RV

May be some degree of subvalvar and valvar PS resulting in either balanced circulations or inadequate pulmonary blood flow

Complete repair in early infancy is seldom technically feasible

Palliative aortopulmonary shunt may be required

Echo: define the relationships of the great vessels, the relative position of the VSD to the great vessels, the anatomy of the subvalvar regions and the semilunar valves, and the adequacy of both ventricles


其他更少見的型態: DORV occurs with mitral atresia and with AV canal defects in the constellation of heterotaxy syndrome. DORV is also noted with AV discordance. (Moss Ch50, Ch51)


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 Surgical decision-making

1. The distance between the tricuspid valve and the pulmonary valve should be large enough to employ a
left ventricle-to-aorta baffle repair. If papillary muscle tissue is located in the pathway from the LV to aorta, relocation of the papillary muscle or valve replacement may need to be considered

2. How much the baffle could encroach on the right ventricular volume :  when decide to perform BVR

3. Exact course of the coronary arteries

4. Biventricular repair is performed if it is feasible

5. Adequate left ventricular outflow tract must be created, even if it compromises the right ventricular
outflow (the right ventricular outflow tract can be reconstructed by infundibulectomy, valvotomy, gusset, or conduit)

6. Physiologic correction:

  VSD: eliminate L -> R shunt

  TOF: routing LV to Ao, enlarge RVOT

  TGA: OT switch to achieve two-ventricle physiology

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Stepwise decision making

1. Sizes of the ventricles and AV valves should be measured

2. IF BVR, whether left ventricle-to-aortic baffle can be created without creating any LV outflow tract

3. TGA type DORV: Patrick-McGoohan procedure (if great vessel relationships are anteriorposterior or l-
  position with a large VSD) ; Kawashima procedure (Taussig
Bing anatomy with a large distance between
  the tricuspid valve and the pulmonary valve)

4. When a left ventricle-to-aortic baffle cannot be created, but a left ventricle-to-pulmonary valve pathway
  can be constructed without any stenosis, an arterial switch operation can be performed.

5. If stenosis between RV to PA, Rastelli conduit or REV procedure is added to arterial switch

6. If LV to AV or LV to PV pathway could not be achieved without stenosis, DKS with with RV-PA conduit
  (Yasui procedure) for BVR could be performed

7. Extending biventricular repair to borderline anatomic candidates who had hypoplastic left-sided
  structures or a nonsubaortic VSD is a questionable strategy.

8. DORV s/p BVR : Late reoperation and late mortality were significantly higher in the patients with a
  noncommitted VSD.

9. Patients who undergo a Rastelli-type repair require one or more right ventricle-to-pulmonary artery
  conduit replacements

10. Patients with a complex intracardiac baffle are at substantial risk of LVOTO (high risk in subpulmonic

11. TGA type DORV outcome was similar to simple d-TGA (neo AR is more common than d-TGA)

   Right bundle branch block and QRS prolongation after repair are common and may suggest an
   increased risk of sustained ventricular tachycardia and sudden cardiac death



